It was SO wonderful to have Wes, Jena, and Lily come up last night. We had a great dinner to celebrate Lily's 8th birthday then back to the room for presents. Cori had really missed her dad and sisters. She asks about Katherine and Grace every day as well.
This morning was the first enema and she was great. Her nose bled throughout and that worries us, but everything worked as it should have and she was an excellent sport. I don't know how I will do it without an extra set of hands when Wes goes back home tomorrow, but people do it every day and I know God will equip me.
Then we had a wonderful day at the Cincinnati Zoo. What a gorgeous, sunny, perfect fall day! The exhibits are absolutely stellar. There were moments we felt God has just put us in the right place at the right time to see something simply amazing. The highlights of our day were seeing the manatees, the baby chimp playing with his mom, the leaf cutter ants. Lily's favorite part was the giraffe. Cori liked petting the sheep. No one liked the spiders or snakes. All the worries of the past week were on the back burner.
Back to the room for some well deserved rest, but it did not last long. Katherine called to say she and Grace had rear ended a truck. They are ok physically, but really battered emotionally. And there was nothing we could do to fix it. It was not wise for Wes to begin an over 6 hour trip home after 6 pm. So, I lost it. I cannot take care of my kids here and my kids there. Why can't this solution be closer to home?
Then we went to dinner and began to discuss how to manage a 14 to 21 day stay in Cincinnati for Cori's next surgery. Wes cannot be here more than a few days. Jena and Lily cannot come with us if Cori is in the hospital for 14 days. So I lost it in O'Charleys.
And this next 6 months will also include a surgery for Jena in November to reconstruct her nose and lip, and the bone grafting from Lily's hip into her palate.
Sorry that this sounds like a pity party. A wise woman who handles far more than this on a daily basis warned against it in us and in the child. I am just using the blog to vent a little and so that those of you who are praying for us can know better how to call out the the Father for us.
I sign off with three little munchkins in their beds, too excited to sleep but soon to run out of gas, a strong and loving husband/daddy in the next room watching football, and a host of friends I have and have not met who read this and care.
It gives me more comfort than you can ever know.
Thank you,
ReplyDeleteEver since I saw first saw your Lionsgate website and read about you and your family I have admired what you have done. What a beautiful family you have, your children and your adopted children. As I read your last post about the wonderful day you had with your family at the zoo, and the trials you are dealing with I found myself with tears just streaming down my face. I see what you wrote as reaching out for support, not pity. I will continue to think about you and pray for God's mercy. I know sometimes things are very overwhelming, but you will get through it. Oh and look forward to the days when you can look back on these days and say "God is good".