With 11,000 employees it certainly is a busy place, but we were impressed with everyone we saw. It is so precious to see so many "special" employees working there.
Our day arrived cold and rainy, with car choked highways, a maze of a parking deck, and a broken stroller. (Thank you for the use of some heavy duty tape, urology department!)
Our first stop was for a Urology Formal Urodynamics study. They placed EMG patches on her connected to wires, had a catheter inserted for and aft (read through the lines), then her bladder was filled with fluid. All of that was emptied and she had an ultrasound.
Off to blood draw in the lab. Lunch, then to Radiology for an extensive abdominal ultrasound. Then she had her longest and hardest procedure. First was a voiding cystogram, a test to take pictures of the urinary system. Once again she had a catheter that filled her up, this time far past her comfort level. She cried quite a bit but settled down once she was able to void. She had many many x-rays at this point. Then she had an enema administered with the same results.....pain and more xrays. She was very uncomfortable at this point.
Finally she was allowed to potty ...and potty...and potty....and, well you get the idea. At least she was watching Cinderella. She is as clean as Cinderella's floor, if you get my drift.
She was asleep in less than 4 minutes in the car and then took a nap while Mommie did the same late afternoon.
She cries during these painful procedures, but she recovers quickly and responds to the toys and all they are showing to distract her. She has been through so much and has much more to go, but she is SO precious and tires so hard to be strong.
The trip up yesterday was beautiful. I could tell many of you were praying for me since my back and jaw really did well.
Tomorrow we are up at 5 am to be at the hospital by 6 for pre op. The Exam under anesthesia, Cystoscopy, and Vaginoscopy are scheduled for 7:30. I do not know how long everything will take, but we have nothing else tomorrow.
We appreciate your prayers for this brave and beautiful child.
Praying for sweet Cori and Cori's Mom! :-)