Wrapped in Mom's quilt

Thursday August 25, 2010 4:58pm
Cori wore her blue dress that I made her today. I look forward to Jena and Lily and Cori all wearing their matching blue homemade dresses. It is discouraging to think how far away that day is.
Today dawned in the same room with the same prospects for breakfast at the same table with the same food. Then we went to the playroom. But we had other American families there to visit with and that was a real blessing. A couple is here for their second Chinese son. They were told he had cerebral palsy and yet he is perfectly fine and says a wonderful English "Hello"! We shared the ways the enemy attacked us before making the trip. She had a wonderful testimony about how they were able to adopt again. It was on their heart but they did not have the money. They left it in God's hands and one day a co-worker told her they would be adopting again because she and her husband were going to give them $10,000 to get started. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at the son God planned for them in such a miraculous way.
Another mother came in and said they were going to walk to a local convenience store. I jumped at the chance to get outside with another American! It was cool and spitting rain and SO refreshing! Then we ate lunch together and shared our adoption stories. The fellowship was refreshing as well.
I am attaching pictures and will try to send a short video. One shows Cori in the pretty gown from grandmother Wright. Another shows her sleeping in the quilt I made for her. The others speak for themselves.
We leave Changsha tomorrow and arrive around 8:30 pm in Guangzhou. I look forward to meeting up with the other Holt families, walking Shamien Island, and visiting the little shops. The last leg......
Hang in there! What a wonderful journey. The pictures are amazing and filled with her joy as the story is filled with yours. You are almost home!!!