Sunday August 28, 2010
How I would love to be in church with you all this morning! We should never take for granted our rights to worship God freely!!
Today was an interesting challenge. Cori woke up moaning and proceeded to scream for over an hour. It seemed like it was stomach cramps. We finally called on of our translators and had her come try to talk to Cori. It only made it worse. She stood up but laid her upper body on the bed. Grace and I cried with her after awhile because her misery was so severe. We prayed together during these tears and laid hands on Cori. Not too long after that she calmed and fell to sleep for a bit. Eventually she woke up and we took her on a walk.
This was the morning our group was going to the pearl and jade market. I was going to get something my mother in law had requested, but mostly I need to get Cori and 18 strand of pearls to match those of all her sisters. We missed breakfast and the trip due to Cori's sickness. I resolved to ask the Toth to pick up a strand for us in a couple of weeks when they are here to adopt.
Later in the afternoon the group assembled for a late lunch called High Tea. The family I mentioned yesterday who had Cori's file and then prayed for the family who would adopt her were waiting to enter. They asked me where I had been in the morning since Roger had offered to bargain for me in the pearl market. I told them what happened with our morning. They asked what I had intended to buy. I told them, " A strand of pearls for Cori."
"What size?", they asked. "Eighteen inches."
"Well, we needed to buy 12 strands that size, but for some reason I felt I was supposed to by 13. Would you like to buy it? "
It was exactly what I wanted for half of what I had expected to pay because Roger had bargained for the entire group.
Why do we ever doubt that He is in everything, large and small?
What a ride the trip has been! How very exciting to think that God will show Himself again tomorrow and the next day and the next!
I ask for your prayers for Cori tomorrow. She has to have the medical exam around 9 am our time, 9 pm your time. With her feeling so poorly today I really dread putting her though it, but we have no choice. Eight shots would make anyone ill. Please pray she requires fewer than 8 and that she has no reaction or fever or pain.
I am counting the days when many of you can see her in person. She is a full fledged pistol. She loves her new squeeky shoes to death! I included a picture of her loving on Grace as she rejoices in the shoes, then a picture of the crowd of photographers she drew as a result. This is less than half of those who descended on her.