I was awash in such emotions today as we heard about our church's team sent to Haiti. They mostly ministered to children and orphans. They met one little girl who had been sold by her mother to the local voodoo priest. He put her in a chicken coop and announced the day of her sacrifice. A church was able to buy her back. We saw her holding a teddy bear in the orphanage, rescued and safe.
Wes is so curious about Cori's personality and so ready to find out all of her likes and dislikes, the sound of her laugh and her cry. What makes her laugh? Will she like to ride up on his shoulders?
We are happy to know that our assistant pastor/connect group leader and his wife will soon have home their 4 year old daughter from China. How exciting to think they will be able to talk to each other. Two other children from Liberia should be joining our connect group families as well!