Dear Ava,
After nine months of frustration, the paperwork to adopt you has finally been mailed to China. It makes absolutely no sense that so much should be required to adopt you, but that is the way of this world. It is just a little clue to how valuable and precious you are, that so much work goes into you becoming our forever daughter. YOur Daddy has worked through many difficulties and frustrations to get this priceless package in the mail.
We have two gifts to send you right away. One is a t-shirt with a picture of your new family on it. It says that we are coming for you, little one.
The other is a soft blanket, fuzzy on the outside, silky on the inside, with a tiger head attached. It has your name embroidered on it.
Our hope is that, like your friend from the videos, you have been transferred to a foster family so you can keep these tokens of our love as your own. We know that is not always the case.
We have asked our agency for a full update on you, your health and development, and new pictures or videos.
And tonight, in celebration that our documents are finally on their way to China, I began your quilt. Jena. Lily, and Cori all have quilts I made while waiting for them. There is fabric from Jena's quilt in Lily's, and fabric from Jena and Lily's quilt in Cori's, and there will be fabric from all three of your Chinese sisters plus fabric unique to you, little one.
Your birthday is October 1, an auspicious day in Chinese history. We will send you a cake and a square of the quilt along with pictures of those who are waiting to call you daughter and sister. And we will hope beyond hope for pictures of the occasion.
Ava, little bird in many languages, sweet melody in Persian, we ARE coming.
We will never leave you. We will defend you. We will bring the softest pajamas and the prettiest clothes and the most open hearts.
A sister will be waiting at home that can tell you about your surgeries. Two sisters wait that can tell you how loved they are here. A Daddy will not be able to sleep until you and I are under his roof. Three big sisters will be like mommas, and two brothers will growl and chase you while you scream in delight.
Day and night will come and you will be where you are destined to be.
Day and night will come. And come. And come. And you will be held, comforted, protected, adored......taught, dedicated, appreciated.
We will learn of you and from you. And we will never be the same. We don't want to be the same. We welcome you to teach us and stretch us.
Oh, how long these months have been and will be....but YOU are surely worth the wait.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
New normal
New normal....We used to skip her nightly enema on Fridays so we could go out. New normal. That is not an option. Whatever changed in her anatomy since surgery will not tolerate one single day off.
Renal ultrasound performed and sent to Cincinnati Children's. Too a week to arrive and another week to read. Her kidneys are not swollen. Now we have waited 10 days for the scheduler to tell us when our next appointment will be. This will be a sedated scoping of the urethra to see if she can be cathed for urine. If yes, then we will be on a three hour schedule plus two new meds to hopefully expand her bladder capacity. There are no promise or projected stats. This is a hoop we must jump through to progress.
Another hoop will be a week long stay to do a laxative trial. Massive laxatives at night and sitting on the pot in the morning, driving to the hospital for xrays of the bowel to see if it has emptied. Then bakc to your room. No outings are recommended. If she fails this week they will declare that she is enema dependent. But they have already told us she is an unlikely candidate for bowel continence.
Bottom line: You cannot get the urine port until you have tried to expand the bladder via intermittent cathing plus two drugs. You cannot get the enema port until you are proven to be enema dependent. Both ports need the appendix.
Both programs have wait times around 6 months.
Lest you think Cori is suffering, although this shoot was pre-surgical, I can assure you this is who she is every day! Except for about 2 minutes per day with rectal dialations and another 2 minutes for the start of the enema.
If we got to make our own dictionary, Cori's face would be side-by-side with her sister Jena's face under resilience entry. Lily would be in the definition of a Chinese blond.
And what will Ava be?
Renal ultrasound performed and sent to Cincinnati Children's. Too a week to arrive and another week to read. Her kidneys are not swollen. Now we have waited 10 days for the scheduler to tell us when our next appointment will be. This will be a sedated scoping of the urethra to see if she can be cathed for urine. If yes, then we will be on a three hour schedule plus two new meds to hopefully expand her bladder capacity. There are no promise or projected stats. This is a hoop we must jump through to progress.
Another hoop will be a week long stay to do a laxative trial. Massive laxatives at night and sitting on the pot in the morning, driving to the hospital for xrays of the bowel to see if it has emptied. Then bakc to your room. No outings are recommended. If she fails this week they will declare that she is enema dependent. But they have already told us she is an unlikely candidate for bowel continence.
Bottom line: You cannot get the urine port until you have tried to expand the bladder via intermittent cathing plus two drugs. You cannot get the enema port until you are proven to be enema dependent. Both ports need the appendix.
Both programs have wait times around 6 months.
Lest you think Cori is suffering, although this shoot was pre-surgical, I can assure you this is who she is every day! Except for about 2 minutes per day with rectal dialations and another 2 minutes for the start of the enema.
If we got to make our own dictionary, Cori's face would be side-by-side with her sister Jena's face under resilience entry. Lily would be in the definition of a Chinese blond.
And what will Ava be?
Saturday, July 21, 2012
It has been a long time, but it went like a flame
Cori and I got home mid/late June. I have always looked forward to summer, but this was not a year with a "summer break". Cori came home as she left. No one would EVER know how serious are her issues! Her newest Just Ducky catalog picture is on their Facebook page. Made just weeks before her total reconstruction surgery.
Wow. I just said tonight that when it is August on the calendar I will freak out. Never has there been less of a break......but Corin Malia Wright thrives.
Last Thursday her evening cleansing ritual went south immediately. If she is too full or the infusion is too fast.....whatever....she spent 15 minutes crying and 45 minutes either vomiting or beating her own head because of the pain or blowing every cell of her body to our bathroom wall. We have had a few enemas go like this, but since our stay in Ohio/Cincy, we are now on a yahoo group where everyone shares everything. We learned to pay strict attention to the formula and infusion rate. But there was no way to fix this horrible adventure. She slept for 90 minutes after in the middle of the day.
There is a line in a movie I have romanticized since 1985. I was expecting Jessica and cried so much my nose bled. (aside: pregnant women get a pass here). So I would not let my daughter's watch it, ok. Don't judge me! I had no kids! But the Meryl Streep character tells the poorly cast love of her life/Robert Redford, that she has learned a thing. "I've got this little thing I've learned to do just lately...When it's so hard I think I shan't go on, I try to make it worse. I make myself think...... When I'm certain I won't stand it, I go a moment more. Then I know I can bear anything.". Two books about what women and orphans endure in China are in the mail to me. Going to advocacy blogs where I have seen the same children for years......then the blessing of rejoicing over faces who now have families! And I have to do this to keep Ava keep the pain sharp enough for her and other orphans that we keep on when the bills mount above our heads....that we keep on when medical despair sets in re:Cori. (How precious did that grace appeared......if you wanted to put a face on grace, perhaps it would be Cori? Unmerited favor in Just Ducky clothing. Irony abounds.
Let yourself imagine the sacrifice you would endure for your mate or kids. Then take it another step. Let yourself imagine what you would do to ransom your mate or child from death. Then imagine you had never born or married or seen someone....and you could not ignore a God that asked you to do the same for a stranger.
Married to the most AMAZING MAN! He could be driving a new car, playing golf on Fridays and Saturdays. But he is SO content to take his girls out in clothes that embarrass me, to McDs, to Home Depot or the tire store, then have them trail him ALL day long....mowing, steam mopping the floors, blowing their mess out of an old van, running to the yard so Katherine can tell us how much she misses her little sisters while she is in Guatemala.....and how I wanted to make him stop practically beating her on the back as she hugged him and cried to leave....
But that is her daddy. That is her Abba.
My example did not show up until God gave me this man.
If Grace is an ocean we're all sinking.
Wow. I just said tonight that when it is August on the calendar I will freak out. Never has there been less of a break......but Corin Malia Wright thrives.
Last Thursday her evening cleansing ritual went south immediately. If she is too full or the infusion is too fast.....whatever....she spent 15 minutes crying and 45 minutes either vomiting or beating her own head because of the pain or blowing every cell of her body to our bathroom wall. We have had a few enemas go like this, but since our stay in Ohio/Cincy, we are now on a yahoo group where everyone shares everything. We learned to pay strict attention to the formula and infusion rate. But there was no way to fix this horrible adventure. She slept for 90 minutes after in the middle of the day.
There is a line in a movie I have romanticized since 1985. I was expecting Jessica and cried so much my nose bled. (aside: pregnant women get a pass here). So I would not let my daughter's watch it, ok. Don't judge me! I had no kids! But the Meryl Streep character tells the poorly cast love of her life/Robert Redford, that she has learned a thing. "I've got this little thing I've learned to do just lately...When it's so hard I think I shan't go on, I try to make it worse. I make myself think...... When I'm certain I won't stand it, I go a moment more. Then I know I can bear anything.". Two books about what women and orphans endure in China are in the mail to me. Going to advocacy blogs where I have seen the same children for years......then the blessing of rejoicing over faces who now have families! And I have to do this to keep Ava keep the pain sharp enough for her and other orphans that we keep on when the bills mount above our heads....that we keep on when medical despair sets in re:Cori. (How precious did that grace appeared......if you wanted to put a face on grace, perhaps it would be Cori? Unmerited favor in Just Ducky clothing. Irony abounds.
Let yourself imagine the sacrifice you would endure for your mate or kids. Then take it another step. Let yourself imagine what you would do to ransom your mate or child from death. Then imagine you had never born or married or seen someone....and you could not ignore a God that asked you to do the same for a stranger.
Married to the most AMAZING MAN! He could be driving a new car, playing golf on Fridays and Saturdays. But he is SO content to take his girls out in clothes that embarrass me, to McDs, to Home Depot or the tire store, then have them trail him ALL day long....mowing, steam mopping the floors, blowing their mess out of an old van, running to the yard so Katherine can tell us how much she misses her little sisters while she is in Guatemala.....and how I wanted to make him stop practically beating her on the back as she hugged him and cried to leave....
But that is her daddy. That is her Abba.
My example did not show up until God gave me this man.
If Grace is an ocean we're all sinking.
Monday, June 18, 2012
There is a light
I have never woken up to so much sun light in my life. Our bedroom had two huge windows that, even with the blinds closed, could not contain the power of the sun as it announced a new day in Cincinnati. Even when I discovered that I could pull heavy curtains over them they still shouted loudly......another day is coming! Get up! Manage.
And what will this day bring. Perhaps a family will be all smiles because they are going home! Or maybe there are fun activities and great food listed on the board of the dining hall. Maybe you will see the first smiles ever on the face of parents who are told they will leave this weekend after 5 months! Their son is finally making his own blood after 13 years, bone marrow transplant, and the loss of both of their jobs! Maybe today Cori's friend Maggie will be discharged after complications.
There was a day that brought all of these things and more. There was a day I first saw one couple smile. And there was a day when I met one of the most remarkable women I have ever known. Her child was the cutest, most animated little stinker ever. He just KNEW Cori wanted to be his friend. We had passed in the hospital playroom so he was bold. To my surprise I saw Cori lift her dress to show him her old colostomy scar. Then he ran to his mom to ask how long HE had been on a catheter, hoping to win the bragging rights over Cori. Later that night I saw Cori kiss him on the cheek. I had to do the PC thing and correct her, but day after day, night after night, they "hooked up". And that meant I got to know and love his mom. I was to have many encounters that were in answer to my cries for God to get real with me. How much more real can God be than to give you someone to love? When her ride finally comes for her and we hold each other and cry............Is there ever a time God is more present?
One day the light went on in the parents of the 13 year old. He got to come to the RMcD House. Then his blood pressures went off the chart and he fell back on his bed in seizures. And he went to Intensive Care. And the light in their eyes went out.
There is a light above the chapel at the Greater Cincinnati Ronald McDonald House.
Wes met a compelling case this weekend. Normal little girl doing well. Starts having seizures. Nothing works. And they have to remove the left lobe of her brain for her to live.
And the girl with bolts in her upper and lower jaws, halo across her face. The 4 year old who looks two with no hair. The Chinese 3 year old with the same condition as Cori.
Another Mom, baby has to have three transplants the first months of her life. Back every year for 7 years. Nutrition from a tube from her backpack.
I went to bed very late one night with worries about Cori and Ava and what a load my absence was putting on everyone in NC. I told God I could not do this, especially with Ava having Spina Bifida plus a likely diagnosis for other systems like Coris's plus documented developmental delays. I needed God to be real and lead me, especially about Ava, about these procedures, about Cincinatti, about everything.
That evening a mom I had talked to and never expected to meet got a room opening at the RMcDHouse. And I met her daughter with all the medical issues Ava will have.........I sat across from this beautiful 5 year old and I saw Ava. And I began to believe that we could do this.
The next day Cori had her hardest tests. Multiple blood draws to determine kidney function. Before our first appt a lady asked me if I was her mom. Just then her Chinese daughter's name was called...Malia, Cori's middle name. And all morning long Cori's procedures followed Malia's. The we had time in the waiting room while a father took care of his Chinese daughters. We introduced ourselves and our children. Parents with Chinese daughters always ask what province the girls are from. I easily guessed that one of his daughters was from the same province as Lily.
But what caused me to quake was that the one having the same testing, with the same initial wrong diagnosis from China, was not only from Cori's province, but was from the same orphanage where AVA waits for us today.
I hear you, God.
And we came home knowing why there is a light and what it means..
If the light comes on it stays on for 24 hours to honor the RMcD child who has passed away. It came on three times this week.
Our child will most likely not die because of her condition. But she surely would have before adulthood in China. I do not want to spend my next two or three years in Ohio, but if that is what Cori and Ava need, we will. Kicking and screaming.
And what will this day bring. Perhaps a family will be all smiles because they are going home! Or maybe there are fun activities and great food listed on the board of the dining hall. Maybe you will see the first smiles ever on the face of parents who are told they will leave this weekend after 5 months! Their son is finally making his own blood after 13 years, bone marrow transplant, and the loss of both of their jobs! Maybe today Cori's friend Maggie will be discharged after complications.
There was a day that brought all of these things and more. There was a day I first saw one couple smile. And there was a day when I met one of the most remarkable women I have ever known. Her child was the cutest, most animated little stinker ever. He just KNEW Cori wanted to be his friend. We had passed in the hospital playroom so he was bold. To my surprise I saw Cori lift her dress to show him her old colostomy scar. Then he ran to his mom to ask how long HE had been on a catheter, hoping to win the bragging rights over Cori. Later that night I saw Cori kiss him on the cheek. I had to do the PC thing and correct her, but day after day, night after night, they "hooked up". And that meant I got to know and love his mom. I was to have many encounters that were in answer to my cries for God to get real with me. How much more real can God be than to give you someone to love? When her ride finally comes for her and we hold each other and cry............Is there ever a time God is more present?
One day the light went on in the parents of the 13 year old. He got to come to the RMcD House. Then his blood pressures went off the chart and he fell back on his bed in seizures. And he went to Intensive Care. And the light in their eyes went out.
There is a light above the chapel at the Greater Cincinnati Ronald McDonald House.
Wes met a compelling case this weekend. Normal little girl doing well. Starts having seizures. Nothing works. And they have to remove the left lobe of her brain for her to live.
And the girl with bolts in her upper and lower jaws, halo across her face. The 4 year old who looks two with no hair. The Chinese 3 year old with the same condition as Cori.
Another Mom, baby has to have three transplants the first months of her life. Back every year for 7 years. Nutrition from a tube from her backpack.
I went to bed very late one night with worries about Cori and Ava and what a load my absence was putting on everyone in NC. I told God I could not do this, especially with Ava having Spina Bifida plus a likely diagnosis for other systems like Coris's plus documented developmental delays. I needed God to be real and lead me, especially about Ava, about these procedures, about Cincinatti, about everything.
That evening a mom I had talked to and never expected to meet got a room opening at the RMcDHouse. And I met her daughter with all the medical issues Ava will have.........I sat across from this beautiful 5 year old and I saw Ava. And I began to believe that we could do this.
The next day Cori had her hardest tests. Multiple blood draws to determine kidney function. Before our first appt a lady asked me if I was her mom. Just then her Chinese daughter's name was called...Malia, Cori's middle name. And all morning long Cori's procedures followed Malia's. The we had time in the waiting room while a father took care of his Chinese daughters. We introduced ourselves and our children. Parents with Chinese daughters always ask what province the girls are from. I easily guessed that one of his daughters was from the same province as Lily.
But what caused me to quake was that the one having the same testing, with the same initial wrong diagnosis from China, was not only from Cori's province, but was from the same orphanage where AVA waits for us today.
I hear you, God.
And we came home knowing why there is a light and what it means..
If the light comes on it stays on for 24 hours to honor the RMcD child who has passed away. It came on three times this week.
Our child will most likely not die because of her condition. But she surely would have before adulthood in China. I do not want to spend my next two or three years in Ohio, but if that is what Cori and Ava need, we will. Kicking and screaming.
Monday, June 11, 2012
We feel so unworthy to be in this beautiful house with 80 other families, having volunteer groups bring meals every day, all the while knowing that members of our church family are lavishly feeding the ones who remain in Asheville.
And we feel unworthy when we see what other parents are enduring....the bone marrow transplant families who have been here since January....and know they have months to go. The little boy who was only three when his bone marrow went to save his older brother's life. The 13 year old whose body is just now making blood....and his parents who both lost their jobs to bring him here for the only cure possible. The 2 year old Chinese little one undergoing open heart surgery. The 5 year old whose milk costs $16 per 8 ounce container and is spoiled if he will not drink it in an hour. The 5 year old from a home school family with minor heart and limb issues, spina bifida, whose surgery removed a kidney, discovered a second colon that has to be resected, who now has two drainage tubes at all times. The families here from Macedonia, Romania, Italy, and all over the United States.....desperate to make life last or improve the quality of life for their precious children. Quiet strength under extraordinary stress....heroic folks that are never mentioned in the news.
And our little one who still cannot sit comfortably, where every diaper change hurts...especially since they shaved off some of hr pubic bone and she still has the catheter, who asks why she needed a new bottom and why she still needs diapers, whose skin has rashes and burn like marks from all the tape to keep things in place, who will come home for a time even less continent and clean than when she came, and who faces many more trips here with no guaranteed results.
And finally, for those of you who do not know, our hearts are a little heavier than you might expect because we know of another little girl who will need this hospital and the one of a kind surgeries offered here....
We are adopting another precious daughter from China who has a similar condition to Cori plus spina bifida. We hope to travel in the spring, but the process has bogged down so many Times that we cannot be sure.
Her name will be Ava Lauren. She will be three October 1.
So, life is full....of sorrows, of fears,mof joy, and of new perspective on what it means to give thanks at all times, what it means to trust God with everything, what it means to take one day at a time......and on what true heros really look like.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Sorry I have not updated regularly. It has been busy! Cori has done SO very well! She barely needed any pain medication, got back to walking,progressed to daily trips to the playroom with her rolling tower for her pumps and catheter bag. She painted enough wooden animals to populate an ark, did a dozen puzzles over and over again, and beat me time and again with Candyland's Castle. How in the world will all of those animals fit in the trunk of our car when it is time to go home? Diaper changes are painful as well as proper care of the foley catheter, but she bounces back. One if the highlights of the day is our nightly Skype call to home. It is so wonderful to see all the faces and voices we love and miss. Despite daily requests we still have not seen anyone from urology. Dr. Pena personally asked the urologist to come by show still. Yesterday Dr. Pena examined the surgical site and declared that she could have a normal diet starting right then!! Jello was the first order of business, followed by an orange Popsicle. Apple juice, eggs, m&ms and raisins finished out the night! She was SO happy! This announcement three days earlier than we had expected, was followed by the news that she will be discharged TODAY! Last night she asked me if I wanted to sleep with her in her bed, a request I had made last week. When I told her I would wait until tonight when we were back at the Rinald McDonald House she beamed. At 9 pm she was given ex-lax. It is essential that we avoid impact ion and keep things moving smoothly every day. But last night's dose was too much. She cried in pain from all of the sensitive cleaning at 5:30 am. So I pray I can get the dose right for her every day. I sm also worried about managing her urine bag and catheter by myself for another 8 days until it is removed. Needless to say, but it is hard to turn my worrying mind off at night, especially as my head hit the pillow last night. There are so many "what ifs" I can keep quiet when things are busy, but their voices cannot be drowned out in the dark. I am making my restless mind yield these pests to prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving for all God had already done. Trying to camp out on gratitude and leave fear back in the trunk of the car......with all of those wooden animals! Wink wink.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Yesterday was full of challenges. She had to go through the insertion of the PICC line in the morning. No matter how good the hospital and the child life team, it still hurts and is foreign. It also maeans many voices, including those of her trusted parents, all telling her that everything is fine. But she is not feeling fine!
So the rest of the day she does not trust these oft repeated assurances.
By far the hardest part for Cori was her precious dad, whom she calls, "Dada", having to go back to NC. By early evening she knew he really was not coming back, and her room had new nurses promising her that nothing would hurt. We have often remarked that she has the MOST expressive face we have ever seen....and I watched that faces crumble and crash as she told me that she wanted her Dada.
Calling him on the phone just produced more sorrowful tears squeezed from her perfect almond eyes and more tremors of her baby doll lips.
We were able to complete a Skype call later in the evening. It was her dad she called out to first, despite having to look past her silly smiling sisters.
At one point she expanded the screen so that only his face showed. Over and over she ran her little hand, complete with pulse ox monitor, around the edges of the IPad as if she could really touch him.
She rested well except for the cycles of beeps and alarms. Morning found her on her tummy in blissful peace. The pain team has removed the I'V pump since she has seldom needed I t. Now the nurse will administer when she asks. She played with the iPad for a long time, took another tummy nap, and is now watching Dora and asking the child life team for puzzles and paints.
My dear friend Renae has been with me since yesterday. Cori showed her all the iPad apps she loves and has mastered.
She will have to get up and walk a bit this afternoon and have more attention to her stitches and foley catheter.
As her mom I am most anxious to get a consult with urology as soon as possible. Please pray we can put these questions about her future surgeries to rest in our worried minds.
I have not been able to upload photos from my iPad. I apologize. I will try to figure that out soon.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
PICC line
It was not easy on her and that totally breaks our hearts, but it is necessary for pain management and nutrition, since she must go 10 days with absolutely nothing by mouth. Cori also got very upset when her dad left for a shower, so this afternoon when he goes home may really be hard on her. We hate that he has to go, but he is needed at home and at work.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Post op
Our surgeon has met with us. It is very discouraging. She will go through all this and still come home in a diaper and needing her daily enema. No bladder neck at all. Further repair surgery needed that may or may not work.
We are very discouraged, saddened, and grieving.
Status....12:30 pm.
Surgery called the waiting room to say everything is progressing as planned. Almost four hours so far.
She is in surgery
They took her back around 8. She fell asleep with the mask. They have her scheduled for 600 minutes.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Cori's NG tube
It took over 4 attempts to get Cori's NG tube through her nose and into her stomach. She was, needless to say, very upset. We were upset along with her, but it has now been in for hours and the process is coming along slowly but surely. We have been told they will take her away for surgery well before the 7:30 schedule tomorrow morning. Tonight's task is to get her empty.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Settling in
We were blessed today to get the call during church that we had a room in the Ronald McDonald House!!!
Smooth ride up and made great time. Our room is tiny, but we are so glad to be here. Awesome facilities and kitchen, computers, movies, playrooms, playground. Cori is thrilled with her Barbie, angel bear, quilt, and even the little mattress on the floor.
She will be admitted tomorrow. It has been neat to meet a family from Macedonia who will be dealing with the same team. Over 80 families are here. They average 25-33% of guests for the colorectal center.
Time to turn in. Thank you for your love and prayers.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Eight days until surgery
Wes and I leave with Cori next Sunday. She will be admitted on Monday, May 28th for the NG tube. She will be cleaned out in 4 hour segments. Her surgery is May 29th.....all day. Total reconstruction of the urinary, vaginal, and rectal tracts. We have talked to her about it as much as we are able. She wants to wear big girl panties and go potty like her sisters do. This past Sunday her Sunday School teacher, Mr. Vince, and we would not be surprised to find that he is actually an angel, brought her a cake and had a birthday party for her. She will turn 5 years old 4 days before her surgery. Last week we were on vacation at the beach. She kept saying that she was SO EXCITED! And this year she really took it all in! What a great set of memories!! She glows with life and humor. She is a huge bright star in the galaxy, pounding out light in our lives. Wes will drive us up on Sunday and stay until Wednesday. Then he has to come back and work. Precious families from Biltmore Baptist Church are lining up meals and an irreplaceable friend is planning to drive up for a few days to sit with me. I have the itinerary. I guess that is supposed to be the syllabus, but I feel like I am walking into a final exam that counts for the whole 4 years of college, and the professor never showed up and there was no text book. I still have that nightmare on occasion. It is finals and I never went to class and I never read the materials. But this is so different. This is real life. This is a real person with a future riding on this surgery. And her confidence in all that will happen from May 28th through June 18th and beyond will test me beyond my imagination. And I am flying without a license. No matter the research I have done on the procedure. No one talks about the after care.No one tells you how to explain no fluids for 5 days and no solids for many after that. Where will the tubes come from? How long will they be there? How much help will I get from nurses? Where will I be staying? ( Ronald McDonald House does not let you call until the day before you are to be in the hospital). How do my daughters at home manage? Isn't this too much to put on the shoulders of a 17 year old? Too much for a 15 year old? How abandoned will they feel? What emotional needs will go unfulfilled in minimum of 23 days? Cori and Mr. Vince. Cori with her grandmother at her brother's graduation. What a face....what a child...what a challenge.... Thank you for following this rocket ride! I will update as I am able.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cori's surgery is fast approaching, and as a result of having a Facebook friend whose son is in the hospital today for a bowel and urinary only repair, I am getting stressed. He is in two days before the operation to have the PICC line installed for pain meds, and he has an NG tube for all nutrition. They are there 2 days before the surgery so everything in his system can be cleaned out. This is what Cori faces in May. Reading up on Cori's surgery. Her defect is 1 in 25,000 births at a minimum. Correct diagnosis at birth is essential because 90% of these babies also have an associated urological problem. Cori was misdiagnosed for over 3 years and has permanent kidney damage as a result. We have been told this will be an issue for her entire life. Common complications of misdiagnosis include death. SO grateful that our Cori is alive and well and with us! So grateful that her surgeon in May did the first ever of this procedure and trains doctors from the entire world.
An update on sweet Lily: She has not wanted or needed pain medication since Saturday night. She went to church on her crutches but now prefers to limp. Jena pushed her in a wheelchair at the grocery store yesterday. She still seems to be quite out of it and we are concerned.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
What her siblings have taught us
In November of 2011, Cori's big sister had her 11th surgery in 8 years. Jena Rose was our first adopted child. We were so laser directed to all of the other options that failed.....Wow! She is the reason we have Lily and Cori. We never ever anticipated 11 surgeries plus deafness. One of the surgeries was for a grape sized brain tumor...that God completely healed! Lip repair, palate repair, ear tubes times 4, palate lengthening, nose and lip repair with dental extractions, emergency surgery for staph infection in the lip, bone graft from the hip into the palate, November's second lip revision and the taking of rib cage to place in the revised nose.
This week Lily had the same procedure of hip bone harvesting for palate repair. Jena's pain and swelling were so much more intense, but our deep concern about Lily is that it took almost 90 minutes to wake up from sedation and she still does not have her mental capabilities back. I am very concerned.
Cori asked her dad why she needed surgery. Wes explained that we hoped she could go poo poo and pee pee on the potty like a big girl. She asked if she was going to have her nose fixed as well.....
So, if you read this blog we ask you to pray for us all.
It was hard, as usual, to be alone in the surgery waiting room. Even if Wes had been there...we would have been alone. Everyone else has grandparents, aunts, uncles, pastors, cousins.
And yet, God is sufficient!!!!
This week Lily had the same procedure of hip bone harvesting for palate repair. Jena's pain and swelling were so much more intense, but our deep concern about Lily is that it took almost 90 minutes to wake up from sedation and she still does not have her mental capabilities back. I am very concerned.
Cori asked her dad why she needed surgery. Wes explained that we hoped she could go poo poo and pee pee on the potty like a big girl. She asked if she was going to have her nose fixed as well.....
So, if you read this blog we ask you to pray for us all.
It was hard, as usual, to be alone in the surgery waiting room. Even if Wes had been there...we would have been alone. Everyone else has grandparents, aunts, uncles, pastors, cousins.
And yet, God is sufficient!!!!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Spring update
Cori continues to amaze. To have to endure a 15 minute administration of her daily enema and then to sit for 45 minutes on the potty, she is an incredibly good sport. On occasion it does not agree with her and she spends the entire 45 minutes throwing up. Every once in a while she simply falls asleep in her wooden tv tray. Most nights she requests my I Touch and a cup of water with three ice cubes.
Just this week I was changing her diaper and she said something that was almost frightening............."Mommy, I remember in China." Really, what do you remember in China. She said, " I remember in China my bottom not work."
Most of you know that we have two other daughters from China. Jena was adopted at 26 months with one of the biggest bilateral cleft lip and palates the surgeon at UNC-Chapel Hill had ever seen. Then it was discovered she was deaf. Then it was discovered that she had a brain tumor. Two years later we adopted Lily at 30 months with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate and attachment issues for the next 12 plus months. She still has huge emotional and abandonment issues.
Then we go several years and go back to China for Cori. She was 39 months old with no speech/language/hearing issues. No attachment or self esteem issues. Huge medical isues.
And now we have a child who can remember China and what it was like for her medically there. And we are blown away.
We have friends who adopted a daughter who was almost 5 when adopted, 2 when abandoned. She asks them why it took them so long to get her. We know others who adopted a child who was about to become unadoptable because of her age. She cries when she says that the kids in her school "Ha Ha me because I do not have a Mommy or a Daddy. The kids her do not Ha ah me."
We have an announcement coming soon. We are so blessed that you care.
Just this week I was changing her diaper and she said something that was almost frightening............."Mommy, I remember in China." Really, what do you remember in China. She said, " I remember in China my bottom not work."
Most of you know that we have two other daughters from China. Jena was adopted at 26 months with one of the biggest bilateral cleft lip and palates the surgeon at UNC-Chapel Hill had ever seen. Then it was discovered she was deaf. Then it was discovered that she had a brain tumor. Two years later we adopted Lily at 30 months with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate and attachment issues for the next 12 plus months. She still has huge emotional and abandonment issues.
Then we go several years and go back to China for Cori. She was 39 months old with no speech/language/hearing issues. No attachment or self esteem issues. Huge medical isues.
And now we have a child who can remember China and what it was like for her medically there. And we are blown away.
We have friends who adopted a daughter who was almost 5 when adopted, 2 when abandoned. She asks them why it took them so long to get her. We know others who adopted a child who was about to become unadoptable because of her age. She cries when she says that the kids in her school "Ha Ha me because I do not have a Mommy or a Daddy. The kids her do not Ha ah me."
We have an announcement coming soon. We are so blessed that you care.
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