Cori's language is exploding at a dizzy pace.......So is her appetite! It has been our experience that orphans are convinced that all the food they now have may one day disappear, so they eat as if there is no tomorrow until they figure out this is their home, this is their family, this is their food and it will not go away.
( She is already outgrowing all of her 3T pants, but a wonderful co-worker of Wes' has sent us a couple of boxes of 4T shirts and 5T pants! What a blessing!!)
Jena and Lily used to make the most extraordinary food messes you can imagine. My "favorite" was the morning I heard a glass shatter before I was out of bed. I ran into the kitchen to find Jena pouring a second glass of milk while mixing chocolate syrup in it. They had already climbed to the top of the refrigerator on the drawer handles to obtain the oreos, and a full bag of honeynut cheerios was scattered over the floor. Good Morning, Mom!) I am pretty sure that is the day I walked into the gym and un-enrolled Katherine and Grace for a month so I could regain my bearings. )
Cori's favorite still seems to be noodles, but last week she ate every single centimeter of a baked potato.
Despite a different antibiotic to rule out infection as the cause, Cori still has complete urinary incontinence. We are happy to report that the solids are far more predictable and under control! Our prayer is for her complete healing and restoration!
I think we are going to be able to show China adequate pictures of how well she is doing!!
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