Home at last in Daddys arms...
Love at first site!

What am I doing here?
I am half dead so this may not be my best writing. I am making myself stay up until a fairly normal bedtime to get back on schedule.
What a horrible trip! On Thursday we all went to the Consulate to pick up our child's passport and Visa. We left the hotel at 2:15 for the appointment at 3:30. By 4 we were all at the Guangzhou train station. It, like so many other things in Guangzhou, is under construction in preparation for the 2010 Asian Games. That means you must take your baggage, your carry ons, and your child through the rubble. It was very hot inside with only squatty potties and no paper. Just as we were called to board the outer bands of a typhoon hit. Grace hates such storms and was not very happy. We went downstairs and boarded the train around 5:45 for a 6:15 departure. Cori announced in no uncertain terms that she had to go potty and right then! Can you believe that the bathrooms have to stay locked until the train is moving? Wanna know why? The toilets dump straight out on the tracks....So, I was told to take her to the sink to pee......which we did. Then we waited.....There were about 15 or so families taking the same train to Hong Kong. That adds up to 24 moms and dads, around 10 extra siblings of various ages, and 15 Chinese children. Remember that we left the hotel at 2:15 as the story goes on.
And we wait......Every time we asked we were told 20 more minutes. We left 2 hours late. Once we left the potties were open...Hurray. Moving squatty potties! I thought it could not get any better. The trip was 2 hours long and they closed the bathrooms again as we approached Hong Kong. The closures were accompanied by the announcement that we could be fined or put in prison if we were responsible for any waste being discharged in Hong Kong. Guess who has to go to the bathroom again? Back to the sink.
Off the train at 10:15 in a different country with different currency. Most of us bounded up the stairs for McDonalds. Yummy. Did you know that along with a fried apple pie you can buy a fried green bean pie?
Get baggage, load on bus, ride 35 minutes on bus, check in. Finally get in the bed at 12:45. Set wake up call to 5:45. And friends as I type this, I have not had a single minute of sleep since. Thursday night Hong Kong time is your Thursday morning.
Off to the airport at 6, customs, security, breakfast at Pop Eyes. Did you know that you cannot substitute chicken for fish with the scrambled eggs and biscuit? Flight leaves at 9:15 and last for 15 hours. No sleep for either me or Grace. Cori snores away. Land in Detroit. Have to go through customs AND immigration security. Why does a 3 year old have to remove her shoes for security? Two hour layover then onto a little puddle jumper to get to Asheville.
Can you imagine how it felt to see the lush green mountains and then to pick out the Arvin Meritor plant. Home!! Home!!! Rush through the airport as fast as we can! Then we see all of those precious faces!. Taylor, Blake, Katherine, Jena, Lily, my sister-in-law, my nephew, Wes' mom, Taylor's sweet friend, Margaret. I am crying now just to remember how I have lived for that sight for so many days. Cori was a little bit shy and coy. Everyone was thrilled to see her.
She had no problem with the car seat or ride over. She watched the dogs and puppies through the window. She ate a banana and drank apple juice but would not smile for pictures. She really opened up with joy outside and it was no time at all before she was running to Wes with her arms in the air for him to pick her up. He came to me in the yard and said, " I am having terrible thoughts. Can you go get about a dozen more just like this?" I told him that was like asking for a dozen right after the baby has been delivered by forceps after 36 hours of labor! She loves for him to tickle her and throw her into the air. They threw the ball and laughed and bonded immediately. Eventually she fell asleep in his arms and he confessed with tears, " I was prepared for it to take a month for her to want anything to do with me. I just don't know how to handle it!" He just said, "It is a good thing we went through the hard stuff with the others because if she had been first we would have a house full."
Jena and Lily are the least sure of it all, although Jena is sharing soup with her. She just finished her second banana. The cicadas are singing through the window and it is about 70 degrees outside. Tonight there is the first bath with three little Chinese girls. The first of many.
Tonight I get to sleep in my bed.
More importantly, tonight Miss Corin Malia Wright sleeps in her forever home with her forever family who are all just blown away by how undeserving we are of this blessing. Wes just cannot stop shaking his head at the wonder of it all.
He just came in to thank me. Me? I did not make her nor did I work hard to pay her ransom. All I did was bring her home. Bringing her home to a husband who is infatuated, bedazzled, and deeply humbled is more than enough for me. There can be no happier woman on the planet tonight.
I will continue to update as new things arise and she fully steps into this crazy life God has given us. For now, thank you all so much for following along, praying us through, and wishing us well.
From Scenic Fletcher,
Momma Stephanie and Dear Husband Wes
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