Thursday, September 23, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
God causes all things to work according to His will....
And good pleasure. Most days I think Romans is sent to plague my sinful and whining heart.
Tonight I sent an update to a woman who monitors the website for Cori's orphanage. This lady paid for Cori to go into foster care more than two years ago. She recently revisited the orphanage. Through this woman we saw pictures and updates of our daughter that our agency had never seen. This was like the normal ultrasound we western women can count on. These were the pictures and reports that sustained our weary hearts!
Her family is the reason Cori feels she is the center of the universe, while completely recognizing that there is structure and authority there. Bless Bonnie, dearest Father God.
Cori laughed all day long. She wore herself out on joy!!!!
It was an enormous effort for her to fall asleep...but she would not do so without a New Testament given to Lily during Vacation Bible School
Lily told me tonight that she had been baptized, but her language delays came into play. She is completely over the top about that part of the gospel of Jesus. This week this child quoted to me all of John 3:16.
Can there ever be a more profound in the life of a believer than when a child who would Never HAVE HEARD ABOUT JESUS WANTS TO BE baptized? When she can say John 3:16 with cleft lip, cleft palate? From a heathen nation?
My grandmother asked me why we adopted from China when so many are available from the US.I said that the US rejected us. Not a single adopted child of our family has one dollar bill for college, but the "natural born children" have college funds. Only one member of our natural born family has helped on this journey. Wes' mom bought her these gorgeous princess gowns and paid for Grace's airfare.
Not one woman in this nation would have chosen us. But sincerely desperate women with not a single option took the children their reject.
They now lie in our in our arms. God in Heaven, Romans makes so much more sense now.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made...Too Cool..Good Ultrasound results!

Today was the ultrasound appointment that seemed to go on forever. So many organs were under scrutiny that it took a long time, but she was tolerant and patient. Eventually the tech said the uterus is in a strange position and that she did not see ovaries. That fell like a dead weight onto my heart, although we always knew it was a possibility. Then the tech sent the results to her supervisor who called in a doctor to look again.
And he believes he found both ovaries! He said nothing looked worrisome to him! We certainly have high hopes that the endocrinologist concurs after her exam on Monday, but in the meantime we are thrilled for her.
He knit Cori together in her mother's womb. She is fearfully and wonderfully made.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Love, love, love!!!

I spent so many wasted hours wishing we could have gotten her at a younger age, but now that she is in our family I cannot imagine it any other way. God's timing is perfect!
I caught a glimpse of myself carrying her around, kissing her on the neck and spinning her around. It was quite a shock. Who is that old woman with this beautiful child? Oh, my goodness. It must be her, it is me. Uggggh. Seriously? When did that happen?
How I despise mirrors and scales and cameras!
Ultrasound tomorrow. Her motion sickness continues unabated and she loses everything. We just pack up a couple of towels for each trip. Bathroom issues are causing her lots of pain. We would appreciate prayers for these concerns. Thank you so very much!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Medical Journey Begins....
So, Cori had her first pediatrician appointment and it took over 2 hours. I have to be honest and say that we were not totally prepared for all the "maybes" we received in those 2 hours, but we have been down this road before with Jena. It is lovely to imagine that all is well when you adopt a special needs child from another country but that is seldom the case. You must be prepared for many unknowns. I will not apologize for being somewhat ignorant of all the possibilities because it would be sheer torture to google your child's condition and read everything that could possibly go wrong. Imagine going through your entire pregnancy reading every March of Dimes condition your unborn child might have!
So, now that she is here the tests have begun. Last week was the typical lab work. Those results showed blood in her urine and elevated testosterone. Then there were the spinal x-rays. Today we learned that she has several spinal abnormalities that lead them to use the term "spinal disgraphism" and the possibility of some form of spinal bifida. Now we need a spinal MRI. On Friday she will have an ultrasound to see if she has kidney issues and if she has female organs, ovaries, and/or boy parts. Monday is the endocrinologist to see why she has elevated testosterone and what is going on with those hormonal systems. That practice has already said they will want a brain MRI. Wednesday is the pediatric urologist who told me last May not to worry about all of these things.....
Next Friday is when I have to go to the courthouse to try and convince them I cannot be on a jury right now. Do you think I have a valid excuse?
In the meantime she smiles that million dollar smile and runs around like she owns the house and as if absolutely nothing is wrong with her. She has the cutest smile ever and knows how to let us know exactly what she is thinking with her facial expressions. Today she discovered Fruit Loops!!! Oh, what joy!! Allowed to walk through the house all morning with the entire contents of a Fruit Loop box!
Today she said Bye as I left. She knows what I mean when I ask for a kiss. Grace practices with her every night to say I love you. She knows when I am calling her name. When we tell her that Baba is home she looks all over for him and begins to play hide and chase. When the phone rings she says something that sounds like Who dat?
I will sum it up by quoting a friend who had 5 non-special needs daughters from China before adopting a child with cleft lip and palate. He said, "She is just a little girl who happens to need some surgery." At the end of every day, every doctor's phone call, every appointment, she is a precious little girl.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The new life
Cori has adapted as if this has been her home forever. Her love is no longer limited to any one person. How in the world is that possible??
Only in the plan of God can such a thing happen.
So many families that traveled with us left China with their hearts broken. They had sacrificed so much and traveled so far only to have their children reject them! Some moms had birthed children in their hearts and then convinced daddies to go on such a risky journey only to have Dad be the only parent who was tolerated by the child.
I know from this last trip how deeply painful that can be. Cori only wanted Dad this Sunday, but I wanted her too! How appropriate to have a message that cut to the heart of our selfish expectations. God did not ask me if I would like Cori loving her dad more than me. He just told us to go get her.
Well, the times when she calls out my name and grabs me by the legs are all the more precious now because she has so many choices for those who will love her.
Special memories of this first weekend....She gets so sick in a vehicle that she desperately holds onto the nearest hand to help her. On Saturday night that was Katherine. Sunday it was Chinese sister, Jena. And when we went to AMP to get Lily, Cori ran into her arms.
This is SUPER natural God business we are talking about!!
She was very busy when I kept her in my wonderful Wednesday Bible study today. I am not sure how long that can last, so I took her to the class she will eventually attend afterwards. She TOTALLY followed only one child, that of my dear friend, a woman who prayed for Cori many times in the middle of the night. Not a single other child interested her except this child.
I have had a serious fear every time we have adopted. I may have posted this before and I apologize if it is a repeat, but it is a serious thing to adopt. You must know that you know that you know. And what a PRECIOUS GOD to tell us over and over that we DID hear His voice correctly about Cori!
For the women who have rushed to put their arms around me since my return........You are all God's hands and feet....Angela, Lori, Brundi, Renae, Amy, Carrie, Tina, Jill, Julie, Leslie, Kim, Leah, Angie, Pam, Stephanie, and surely I am forgetting too many. Please forgive my seriously still jet lagged old woman brain!!! And those who were so faithful online...Susan, Shelia, Sue, Jessica, Katherine, Christi, Conroy, Larry, Kelly, Laura, Krista, Robyn and Jay, Sandi, Susan.
Many have asked me to continue to write. I will try to follow God's lead. When I was a flute player for my praise and worship team there were Sundays when people told me I had ministered to them, but it was never me. I was not playing, it was the Holy Spirit. As I told Lori today, I was not typing. The keys just flowed from God. I am very thankful to have been used for a time for HIS glory. If He wants it to continue I will try my best to follow that lead.
I was so blessed by the words of Steve Farrar, author of Point Man this Sunday. It was a big repeat of last year's entire focus from Lori Frank in Poeima. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which He has created beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10. And Steve made it clear that we are here on this earth until those works are accomplished.
But if tonight is any indication, when Cori fell off of a bed, would not eat dinner, re-wounded her knee, screamed over a puppy near by, had to have her dad in bed to sleep, and followed my every single step for two hours..........maybe my ministry must now be closer to home!
And wasn't a forever home for Jiang Yi Hua, now Corin Malia Wright, the purpose all along?
The new life
Cori has adapted as if this has been her home forever. Her love is no longer limited to any one person. How in the world is that possible??
Only in the plan of God can such a thing happen.
So many families that traveled with us left China with their hearts broken. They had sacrificed so much and traveled so far only to have their children reject them! Some moms had birthed children in their hearts and then convinced daddies to go on such a risky journey only to have Dad be the only parent who was tolerated by the child.
I know from this last trip how deeply painful that can be. Cori only wanted Dad this Sunday, but I wanted her too! How appropriate to have a message that cut to the heart of our selfish expectations. God did not ask me if I would like Cori loving her dad more than me. He just told us to go get her.
Well, the times when she calls out my name and grabs me by the legs are all the more precious now because she has so many choices for those who will love her.
Special memories of this first weekend....She gets so sick in a vehicle that she desperately holds onto the nearest hand to help her. On Saturday night that was Katherine. Sunday it was Chinese sister, Jena. And when we went to AMP to get Lily, Cori ran into her arms.
This is SUPER natural God business we are talking about!!
She was very busy when I kept her in my wonderful Wednesday Bible study today. I am not sure how long that can last, so I took her to the class she will eventually attend afterwards. She TOTALLY followed only one child, that of my dear friend, a woman who prayed for Cori many times in the middle of the night. Not a single other child interested her except this child.
I have had a serious fear every time we have adopted. I may have posted this before and I apologize if it is a repeat, but it is a serious thing to adopt. You must know that you know that you know. And what a PRECIOUS GOD to tell us over and over that we DID hear His voice correctly about Cori!
For the women who have rushed to put their arms around me since my return........You are all God's hands and feet....Angela, Lori, Brundi, Renae, Amy, Carrie, Tina, Jill, Julie, Leslie, Kim, Leah, Angie, Pam, Stephanie, and surely I am forgetting too many. Please forgive my seriously still jet lagged old woman brain!!! And those who were so faithful online...Susan, Shelia, Sue, Jessica, Katherine, Christi, Conroy, Larry, Kelly, Laura, Krista, Robyn and Jay, Sandi, Susan.
Many have asked me to continue to write. I will try to follow God's lead. When I was a flute player for my praise and worship team there were Sundays when people told me I had ministered to them, but it was never me. I was not playing, it was the Holy Spirit. As I told Lori today, I was not typing. The keys just flowed from God. I am very thankful to have been used for a time for HIS glory. If He wants it to continue I will try my best to follow that lead.
I was so blessed by the words of Steve Farrar, author of Point Man this Sunday. It was a big repeat of last year's entire focus from Lori Frank in Poeima. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which He has created beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10. And Steve made it clear that we are here on this earth until those works are accomplished.
But if tonight is any indication, when Cori fell off of a bed, would not eat dinner, re-wounded her knee, screamed over a puppy near by, had to have her dad in bed to sleep, and followed my every single step for two hours..........maybe my ministry must now be closer to home!
And wasn't a forever home for Jiang Yi Hua, now Corin Malia Wright, the purpose all along?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
And the relationship grows
Friday, September 3, 2010
Home at last......what there us left of me!
Home at last in Daddys arms...
Love at first site!

What am I doing here?
I am half dead so this may not be my best writing. I am making myself stay up until a fairly normal bedtime to get back on schedule.
What a horrible trip! On Thursday we all went to the Consulate to pick up our child's passport and Visa. We left the hotel at 2:15 for the appointment at 3:30. By 4 we were all at the Guangzhou train station. It, like so many other things in Guangzhou, is under construction in preparation for the 2010 Asian Games. That means you must take your baggage, your carry ons, and your child through the rubble. It was very hot inside with only squatty potties and no paper. Just as we were called to board the outer bands of a typhoon hit. Grace hates such storms and was not very happy. We went downstairs and boarded the train around 5:45 for a 6:15 departure. Cori announced in no uncertain terms that she had to go potty and right then! Can you believe that the bathrooms have to stay locked until the train is moving? Wanna know why? The toilets dump straight out on the tracks....So, I was told to take her to the sink to pee......which we did. Then we waited.....There were about 15 or so families taking the same train to Hong Kong. That adds up to 24 moms and dads, around 10 extra siblings of various ages, and 15 Chinese children. Remember that we left the hotel at 2:15 as the story goes on.
And we wait......Every time we asked we were told 20 more minutes. We left 2 hours late. Once we left the potties were open...Hurray. Moving squatty potties! I thought it could not get any better. The trip was 2 hours long and they closed the bathrooms again as we approached Hong Kong. The closures were accompanied by the announcement that we could be fined or put in prison if we were responsible for any waste being discharged in Hong Kong. Guess who has to go to the bathroom again? Back to the sink.
Off the train at 10:15 in a different country with different currency. Most of us bounded up the stairs for McDonalds. Yummy. Did you know that along with a fried apple pie you can buy a fried green bean pie?
Get baggage, load on bus, ride 35 minutes on bus, check in. Finally get in the bed at 12:45. Set wake up call to 5:45. And friends as I type this, I have not had a single minute of sleep since. Thursday night Hong Kong time is your Thursday morning.
Off to the airport at 6, customs, security, breakfast at Pop Eyes. Did you know that you cannot substitute chicken for fish with the scrambled eggs and biscuit? Flight leaves at 9:15 and last for 15 hours. No sleep for either me or Grace. Cori snores away. Land in Detroit. Have to go through customs AND immigration security. Why does a 3 year old have to remove her shoes for security? Two hour layover then onto a little puddle jumper to get to Asheville.
Can you imagine how it felt to see the lush green mountains and then to pick out the Arvin Meritor plant. Home!! Home!!! Rush through the airport as fast as we can! Then we see all of those precious faces!. Taylor, Blake, Katherine, Jena, Lily, my sister-in-law, my nephew, Wes' mom, Taylor's sweet friend, Margaret. I am crying now just to remember how I have lived for that sight for so many days. Cori was a little bit shy and coy. Everyone was thrilled to see her.
She had no problem with the car seat or ride over. She watched the dogs and puppies through the window. She ate a banana and drank apple juice but would not smile for pictures. She really opened up with joy outside and it was no time at all before she was running to Wes with her arms in the air for him to pick her up. He came to me in the yard and said, " I am having terrible thoughts. Can you go get about a dozen more just like this?" I told him that was like asking for a dozen right after the baby has been delivered by forceps after 36 hours of labor! She loves for him to tickle her and throw her into the air. They threw the ball and laughed and bonded immediately. Eventually she fell asleep in his arms and he confessed with tears, " I was prepared for it to take a month for her to want anything to do with me. I just don't know how to handle it!" He just said, "It is a good thing we went through the hard stuff with the others because if she had been first we would have a house full."
Jena and Lily are the least sure of it all, although Jena is sharing soup with her. She just finished her second banana. The cicadas are singing through the window and it is about 70 degrees outside. Tonight there is the first bath with three little Chinese girls. The first of many.
Tonight I get to sleep in my bed.
More importantly, tonight Miss Corin Malia Wright sleeps in her forever home with her forever family who are all just blown away by how undeserving we are of this blessing. Wes just cannot stop shaking his head at the wonder of it all.
He just came in to thank me. Me? I did not make her nor did I work hard to pay her ransom. All I did was bring her home. Bringing her home to a husband who is infatuated, bedazzled, and deeply humbled is more than enough for me. There can be no happier woman on the planet tonight.
I will continue to update as new things arise and she fully steps into this crazy life God has given us. For now, thank you all so much for following along, praying us through, and wishing us well.
From Scenic Fletcher,
Momma Stephanie and Dear Husband Wes
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Last night in Guangzhou....a covenant is made
A new covenant....
Red Sofa Picture
The power trio....
Thursday September 1, 2010 11:00PM
This was our last night here at the White Swan. I have not updated for awhile so I will try to include some of our experiences. The most vivid in my mind is turning to see Cori floating on her face in the pool after I had turned for only a few seconds. That does a real number on a Momma's heart!
Cori has been having better and better days since her stomach cramp morning. On the morning of all the medical exams and shots Cori was a real trooper. Not a single tear or complaint during the exams. When we were in the last line our guide pulled me aside to say we had a problem. It would seem that our province guide did not check properly and the orphanage had given us the records of a different child...a boy. A little panic. How much longer will we have to be in this less than sanitary, hot, loud office for anyone and everyone needing exams and shots???? We were the last case of all the Holt families to get our records, but they brought reason to rejoice. Only three shots needed!!
I took her for the shots and she was just curious about why the other child was crying. I opened her sucker right before we went in...still just curious. Then the first more curiousity, just screaming pain. Then another. Then another. She calmed down quickly and Miss I Am Fine, Thank You would not even hold my hand as we marched back to the adoption room. Her squeaky shoes were a constant rhythm until she saw big sister. Then she took off running and fell into her arms crying. How she loves Grace.
Everyday saw improvement in her mood, understanding, and some simple obedience. There are things she will only do with Grace and things reserved for Mom, but more things shift to "Ma Ma", accent on the second syllable everyday. Vehicle rides belong to me since she knows I carry her barf bag! She loves for me to bathe her and would probably stay in the tub for a hour if we let her.
Today was the Red Couch picture day. The White Swan has red couches throughout and it is tradition to pile the kids on one and have everyone take pictures. Our Holt group had 29 families so the groups were split. It is wonderful to see all of the children in traditional Chinese dress, all together before we take off to our own homes. We saw a family tonight who was with us in Changsha and I had to hug them both. They are precious Christians who lead praise and worship back at their home church. They were so wonderful to be with and always looked out for me.
Then we went to the US Consulate for the last of the Visa paperwork and for the oath taking. I did not describe this accurately before because it has been 4 1/2 years since I did it last. The wonderful lady in charge of the US cases of adoption addressed us all with congratulations and praise. She and her staff review every US case. There were 300 this year. She told us that two years ago special needs adoption was in the 45% range but is now up to 67%! One child on this trip is special needs because he did not gain enough weight in his first year.
Then we take the oath. There is just something stirring about standing on US soil (marble), putting up your right hand, and swearing and oath about anything. I really choked up as did many other parents, although all we were attesting is that we did our paperwork truthfully! Cori kept staring at me as I cried. I think it was so powerful because of a truth Pastor Jay Liner shared a few years ago. He talked about the difference in creating a child versus making a solemn covenant of adoption with a child who is not our flesh. He described it as somewhat more powerful because a decision and an oath were involved. I think that it why many of us were moved today. Not because adopted children are better or worse, but because of the decision, the investment, the work, and most importantly, the promise required of us as we covenant with this child to never leave or forsake them, to never treat them differently, to do whatever it takes to bring them into our family. It is not something to be entered into lightly, but bathed in prayer and only after God's clear leading. And with these children we know many of the challenges they will face with their health or learning, something we do not know when we conceive.
God grafted us in and adopted us and made a covenant with those who were not His people and gave us every privilege as sons and daughters through the sacrifice of His Son.
Tomorrow we check out and head to the gauntlet. The train to Hong Kong sounds like a marathon. Pay the porters, check big bags, ride 2 hours, retrieve bags, go through immigration, go through customs, go to hotel, eat, go to bed. Get up 6 hours later and take bags to airport. Check luggage. Flight to Detroit at 9:15. Fly for 14 hours with a 3 year old who gets motion sickness. Land in Detroit. Show staff at immigration child's Visa. Do not under any circumstances open this envelope before you get to this desk! Get luggage and go through customs. Then recheck luggage for flight to Asheville. So myself and my 13 year old will have two huge and heavy rolling bags, one beaten up backpack, a back pack on each of our backs, a carry on size, Cori, a stroller, and Cori's carry on.
Sounding like fun yet? At least I have some offers of help with the motion sickness. One has a prescription anti nausea and one is offering children's dramamine.
I think the most important thing I can say is how tangible your prayers have been. I have made this trip three times. I have made this trip with and without such support and I just want you all to know.....We can really and truly tell that we are being carried along what could be a hazardous road with protection and grace surrounding us. Wes, Grace, Cori, and I cannot even begin to thank you enough. A part of me dreads skidding off of this ride and back onto the pavement of real life because God has made Himself so real these past 14 days.
And then again, to have my precious husband beside me, my arms around my children, vegetables, ice, non-fried food, my own bed, seeing Cori in her forever home! These things will be sweeter for their absence. I will not miss doing my laundry by hand every other night, a bed that is hard as a rock, 90 plus temp with 90 plus humidity, seeing and smelling human waste, driving like a video game with the lives of real people, being trapped on the up elevator because the new passengers will not let you through, hawking and spitting in public. I will miss the people we have met and grown to love and I will miss this country. A part of my heart belongs here and thinks of three mothers who had to make the most awful decision about their babies and who will never know who God put them into our family where they are cherished and loved.
Thank you all for being on this journey with me. It does not end when I land in Asheville at 4 on Friday. For our life with Corin Malia Jiang Yihua Wright it is just beginning!!!
I love you all.
Stephanie, Ma Ma, and Grace, Je Day, and Cori, Hua Hua.
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