Dear Ava,
After nine months of frustration, the paperwork to adopt you has finally been mailed to China. It makes absolutely no sense that so much should be required to adopt you, but that is the way of this world. It is just a little clue to how valuable and precious you are, that so much work goes into you becoming our forever daughter. YOur Daddy has worked through many difficulties and frustrations to get this priceless package in the mail.
We have two gifts to send you right away. One is a t-shirt with a picture of your new family on it. It says that we are coming for you, little one.
The other is a soft blanket, fuzzy on the outside, silky on the inside, with a tiger head attached. It has your name embroidered on it.
Our hope is that, like your friend from the videos, you have been transferred to a foster family so you can keep these tokens of our love as your own. We know that is not always the case.
We have asked our agency for a full update on you, your health and development, and new pictures or videos.
And tonight, in celebration that our documents are finally on their way to China, I began your quilt. Jena. Lily, and Cori all have quilts I made while waiting for them. There is fabric from Jena's quilt in Lily's, and fabric from Jena and Lily's quilt in Cori's, and there will be fabric from all three of your Chinese sisters plus fabric unique to you, little one.
Your birthday is October 1, an auspicious day in Chinese history. We will send you a cake and a square of the quilt along with pictures of those who are waiting to call you daughter and sister. And we will hope beyond hope for pictures of the occasion.
Ava, little bird in many languages, sweet melody in Persian, we ARE coming.
We will never leave you. We will defend you. We will bring the softest pajamas and the prettiest clothes and the most open hearts.
A sister will be waiting at home that can tell you about your surgeries. Two sisters wait that can tell you how loved they are here. A Daddy will not be able to sleep until you and I are under his roof. Three big sisters will be like mommas, and two brothers will growl and chase you while you scream in delight.
Day and night will come and you will be where you are destined to be.
Day and night will come. And come. And come. And you will be held, comforted, protected, adored......taught, dedicated, appreciated.
We will learn of you and from you. And we will never be the same. We don't want to be the same. We welcome you to teach us and stretch us.
Oh, how long these months have been and will be....but YOU are surely worth the wait.