Cori's surgery is fast approaching, and as a result of having a Facebook friend whose son is in the hospital today for a bowel and urinary only repair, I am getting stressed. He is in two days before the operation to have the PICC line installed for pain meds, and he has an NG tube for all nutrition. They are there 2 days before the surgery so everything in his system can be cleaned out. This is what Cori faces in May. Reading up on Cori's surgery. Her defect is 1 in 25,000 births at a minimum. Correct diagnosis at birth is essential because 90% of these babies also have an associated urological problem. Cori was misdiagnosed for over 3 years and has permanent kidney damage as a result. We have been told this will be an issue for her entire life. Common complications of misdiagnosis include death. SO grateful that our Cori is alive and well and with us! So grateful that her surgeon in May did the first ever of this procedure and trains doctors from the entire world.
An update on sweet Lily: She has not wanted or needed pain medication since Saturday night. She went to church on her crutches but now prefers to limp. Jena pushed her in a wheelchair at the grocery store yesterday. She still seems to be quite out of it and we are concerned.