May 29, 2012 is Cori's surgery date.
As we understand it, we must arrive two days early for the nuclear testing of her kidneys. A day before the surgery she will be in the hospital for the insertion of a central line and also a tube through her nose to her stomach for all the nutrition and fluids she will receive for at least 10 days after the surgery.
We have been told that the surgery is scheduled for the entire day with three surgical specialties involved. This will be a total reconstruction of her entire urogenital and bowel systems. Dr. Pena will do a Malone procedure to give her a port for her daily enema, making this port from her appendix or bowel. It is likely that Dr. Alam will make a port for a urinary catheter as well.
For a minimum of 10 days she cannot eat any foods through her mouth. We should plan to be in the hospital around 14 or so days if all goes well and plan to stay in the area for another 7 days or so.
We asked for late May because our sons will be through with their college courses, our teenagers will be through with classes as well.
On a good note, the daily enemas are going very smoothly. Cori does not complain much at all and is very happy to be clean in this way. I am also thrilled to hear her say that it no longer hurts to have her diaper changed!
This beautiful and loving little girl is such a blessing!