I was one of the moms all the other moms hated. My bio kids, without fail, slept through the night 6 weeks after their due date.
But adopted children present an entirely different case. You may know your bio chid is well fed, has a dry diaper, and is warm in their covers. ( one exception.....our child with night terrors.) But when your adopted child is crying in the night, you have no idea what memory, abuse, neglect, or fear is causing it. You ask what hurts, but is is most likely a place in the heart only God can heal.
Cori can look like a child star all day long, but she is still totally undone many many nights. Lily and Jena still deal with these unspoken fears many years after they have been safe, warm, loved, pampered, fed, and adored.
It is possible that it is never over for abandoned and rejected children this side of heaven.
But we do ask you to pray that God will use us until we are empty to make a way to joy for them.