Monday, November 22, 2010

Newest issues

Soon after my past posting my mother, a full time worker, living alone, looking forward to her 70th birthday.....fell and ruptured both quadriceps. She had surgery the next day and is in a nursing home......

Now, Cori had her catheter removed on Thursday and it has been downhill ever since. She cries every time she has to urinate, has lost continence, and the new antibiotic is causing uncontrolled bowel movements as well. We never know what to expect.
She has a hard time going to sleep and wakes up every night in the middle of her rest.

She has no way to tell us what hurts or to ask us to make it stop. She cannot understand why it hurts.

There is only one place she can be assured of happiness...the bathtub.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Reality Check.....this is painful

So, two weeks ago Wes' transmission goes out and the estimate is more than we paid for the car............Then, Cori has her surgery. OK, imagine a three year old attached to a foley catheter in a bucket because it leaks......for 5 days. Ask any three year old to sit still for that long, even assuming they speak English, and you know you have a disaster in waiting.
Last night, close to 11 pm, I step in water in a downstairs closet. The water filtration system has been leaking for many days. Wes goes to check on it, sees a spider on the wall, hits it, and the s
wall caves in from water rot..........
I have to pick Katherine up from school and come home to find Cori in a huge Cinderella costume. Who did that? Then she announces she must go poo............Imagine a mad three year old on a potty with a Cinderella costume bunched up all around her.....then she gets mad at me...and she begins to kick the bucket that holds her catheter bag.......

Later, when the repair team is here, she melts down completely and screeches for an hour. Social services is sure to call tomorrow.....but they will bring her back after a single day! She is so angry she is spitting!!!!!

Either you laugh or you cry or you do both at the same time. We trust all day long in God's provision for all of these things and more. The kid is rescued! She is ours! Nothing can change that!

Ands if it costs the farm....what farm???....we KNOW that God will provide!!! It is so exciting to know we will laugh our way, praise our way, to seeing His provision!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cori is home

It is amazing how this child went from a hospital bed where she had spent the day crying, a car ride where she would awaken to cry and make me hold her hand, to this house. Here, in HER house she is with HER sisters, she is set up in our easy chair and the giggles pour out of the room like a living stream of joy.

This week will have its challenges and so will the future, but for now we are content to know that the best medicine is a family.

Please take time to watch this video produced as a school project by a young man with 15 adopted s

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Out of surgery

We are with Cori in recovery. She did well in surgery. Dr Levy said the areas to be moved were higher up in her than expected and that the surgery done in China left scar tissue that was problematic. Long term results are iffy as to continence now and as she ages, bladder infections, and an uncertain outcome regarding intimate relations as a married woman.......far far in the future and only to a rich, handsome, slightly older, Christian man who thinks we are wonderful in-laws.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Surgery November 4th

Cori's surgery is November 4th at 1 pm. We will try to update the blog when we have some news. Please keep her in your prayers. She is such a blessing to us. She is shown here at Hoopla, our church's halloween alternative fun day. She sure caught on to the candy winning!