This is Cori's dedication to the Lord at Biltmore Baptist. We sure wish that our older children could have been there, but having both grandmothers, her uncle, nephew, and Aunt Nae there was a real blessing. And the pastoral staff chose such a wonderful verse for her!
So, currently Cori's reconstruction surgery is scheduled for November 4th. Happy 50th birthday, Wes! The only reason we have doubts is due to the bills we have been receiving from the hospital system we used for her other procedures. They are out of all proportion to anything we have experienced through all of Jena's surgeries at UNC-Chapel Hill. We felt better after some expert advice from my college roommate who is a physician, managing partner, on the board of Blue Cross of NC, and provides excellent self insured benefits to her multi specialty practices many employees......ok, there are too many letters after her name for me to keep up with it all!!!! But she knows this stuff!
Today we received the itemized bill and felt pretty good about proceeding...........
However, Wes had pushed for an estimate on the pre-approved surgical code and we heard from the hospital today..........$40,000 to $50,000......That does not include the surgeon or other services.
However, Wes had pushed for an estimate on the pre-approved surgical code and we heard from the hospital today..........$40,000 to $50,000......That does not include the surgeon or other services.
So, please pray that we make the right decision about whether to pursue another surgeon at another hospital. We need God's direction and wisdom and we do NOT want to compromise in ANY way the quality of care Cori receives!!! We have been told it is very difficult to get accurate price comparisons. They are "comforting" us with the promise that we will exceed the max out-of-pocket and the bill really will not matter in the end.
Seriously!! That is the best you've got???? Wes is apoplectic!!!!
We are blessed with really good insurance and we know they aggressively negotiate lower rates, but we still want to be good stewards and this numbers are shocking!!!
This is not a plea for anything other than prayer....but we do need that no matter what. If we proceed now or later then we need mighty prayers for Cori.
Thank you!!!